So for once in my life I'm actually agreeing with Skip Bayless and his opinion about something in sports. Earlier this week he spoke on behalf of the LeBron James - Nike video scandal and talked about how LeBron is just taking the game too seriously and can't laugh at something like this. While I personally have not taken LeBron James as my savior and the "King" of basketball I do appreciate his ability and high level of play, however, not England or the NBA has crowned him king yet and lately I don't think the fans should either. The basketball world and a great deal of ESPN coverage has put a halo on top of LeBron ever since he got in the NBA and while it may seem as though none of this constant attention has gone to his head I believe it is just starting to become more obvious to the public eye.
In my first encounter with LeBron James I went to see him play against the Bulls at the United Center in his 3rd year in the NBA. I was very impressed considering he was only a couple years older than me and had an appearance that could only be explained if he had been fed steroids in his baby formula as a child (possibly a solution to his freakish nature?). However, there were two things that really turned me off about the way he played the game. I had seen MJ play when I was younger and I consistently watch Kobe whenever I have the opportunity to but there was something different about LeBron. 1) Whenever he scored a bucket during the game against the defensively challenged Bulls he looked around at the people to see if they were watching what he had just did. Whether it was a layup with no one on him or a jumper in someones face from about 17 feet out he was always looking around. It seemed as though he wasn't really playing the game for a win but more for the hype and popularity that he hopes to ensue afterwards. Michael Jordan is quoted in his IMAX movie saying that every game he would know that at least one person in the stadium he was playing in front of had not seen him before and might not see him again so he wanted to put on a great performance for them. While this may sound similar to what LeBro
n does but the difference was durin
g the game Michael was focused on winning, and the game at hand. LeBron appears to be more focused with the interview at halftime, the highlights later on sportscenter, and the stats he's accumulated throughout the game then the actual outcome. 2) The second thing that I don't really like about LeBron's game is the amount of flops and complaining he does when he doesn't get a call. I know that the NBA is starting to turn into European soccer but this doesn't mean that the best player in the NBA needs to flop and pretend he's getting fouled harder then he is so he has an excuse as to why he missed the shot.
ESPN recently just showcased a picture of LeBron James out wearing a shirt that said LeBron James with MVP in large font underneath it before he won the award. While

many greats before him have shown
grace and appreciation for the award I guarantee you would have never seen MJ, Kobe, or Larry Bird wearing a shirt like that. With each year passes with LeBron in the NBA his ego seems to be able to expand to another level. While his first couple years he was able to hide behind a young kid who was trying to be modest but now the true drama aspect of him is coming out. First, the video that finally surfaced showcasing LeBron getting dunked on. For those of you that don't know LeBron James got two handed dunked on by a player named Jordan Crawford in a pick up game at his camp, however, after the play happened LeBron told Nike representatives to grab the tapes. Second, his character can be questioned when he doesn't shake hands with the Magic after the lost in the Eastern Conference Finals. While I understand that you may be bitter after a loss especially after numerous players on your team guaranteed victory, but if you are going to put a crown on your head and sit in a thrown you should at least have the manners to congratulate the other players. I mean they did teach manners in medevil times right?

While the couple occurrences may just be accidents I think LeBron is finally starting to get the wrong type of attention his way and may start to hear boos for different reasons other then the fact that he is on an away team. If you search LeBron James on Google the first link isn't his NBA profile anymore, in fact its a news article stating how this video cover up was a bad move for him. If I were LeBron I would first off redesign my basketball shoes because there is nothing special about the Zoom LeBron 3's but secondly laugh about the incident and publicly say the kid got a step on me and threw it down like anyone that is going to go up against me should. Its basketball people get dunked on and people get blocked it just matters how you react afterwards that really shows the type of player you are...not during it.